With sunny days ahead, and nicer weather coming up, May is the perfect time to get your daily dose of vitamin D. This Victoria Day take some time off and celebrate safely with friends and family. Here are a few ideas:
Take a hike or bike ride: Get in some exercise while the weather’s nice! Take a hike or a ride around your neighbourhood and enjoy the greenery at a nearby trail or park.
Have a picnic: Pack a lunch and a few snacks, and head to a nice outdoor area to enjoy a meal outside. May is prime time for picnics, as it may still be too cold for many insects to come out. Some nice places to have a picnic around Toronto are Ashbridges Bay, Trinity Bellwoods Park, and Bluffers Beach.
Have a backyard BBQ: It’s BBQ season! Have a personal cookout in your backyard. Depending on where you are, some cities might not be holding fireworks, but you may be able to do your own, depending on your local bylaws and guidelines.
Work on a personal garden: Now is a good time to develop your green thumb! If there are any home projects that you need to finish, consider getting some good work in on Victoria Day.
Help the community: Helping out others in the community is always time well-spent. Whether it’s volunteering at a soup kitchen, helping take care of the homeless, or bringing a meal to someone who is in need, it could be a good idea to devote some time on the weekend to help others.
Go for a drive: Depending on your local guidelines, you could take a leisurely drive out in the country and enjoy the scenery.
Camping for the weekend: I personally am not a big fan of the cold or black flies, so I would wait for warmer weather, but camping can be an option for you (again, if you can do so safely)! And if camping grounds are not open due to the lockdown, try pitching a tent in your backyard.
Virtual concerts: Enjoy some of your favourite artists by attending a virtual concert. Musicians such as Twenty One Pilots and Jason Mraz are hosting concerts near Victoria Day weekend. For more information about upcoming virtual concerts, click here.
Brunch on the patio: If you don’t want to go too far from home, you could always try and set up a nice lunch out on your patio or balcony, while enjoying the sun. If you are allowed to do so, visiting loved ones could also be an idea.
Have a safe and socially distanced Victoria Day!