The past few weeks have been a trying time for many Canadians, both personally and financially. One sector of the economy that has been particularly hard hit by the lockdown is local and small businesses. Unfortunately, many companies have been forced to close their doors, while others are struggling to make ends meet. Although online support has been fantastic, there still needs to be more done instead of simply “liking” a post or photo.
Here are some simple ways that you can support local businesses:
1. Participate in Takeout Wednesday
Takeout Wednesday is just as it sounds. The idea was started by restaurant owners to raise awareness that while it may not look like it, many restaurants remain open for takeout and delivery. So, every Wednesday, you can show your support by purchasing lunch or dinner from a local establishment. Personally, I recommend, delivery, as it allows you to continue social distancing, and avoid crowded restaurant lobbies.
2. Purchase a Gift Card
If you don’t feel a need to buy anything at this time, you can still show your support by purchasing a gift card or credit for your favourite restaurants, stores, salons and spas.
3. Online Services
While it may not seem so, many local businesses are currently offering ways you can purchase their products or services from the comfort of your homes. Check if your favourite place offers online purchases.
4. Tips
When possible, simply tip or give some extra money to the people helping out. Whether it’s the delivery person or someone who may not necessarily be in a position that normally receives a gratuity, these days it is certainly appreciated by frontline workers.
5. Reschedule Instead of Refunding
If you have an event coming up, such as an appointment with your hairdresser or barbershop, simply reschedule for a later date instead of asking for a refund. Even if you haven’t paid for anything, trust me, they will appreciate the support
6. Schedule an Appointment or Make a Reservation
Another way to support small businesses is by scheduling an appointment at a salon, spa or making a reservation for months into the future at your favourite restaurant. While many services are on hold until the lockdown ends, many businesses are still willing to book appointments and take reservations.
7. Share
While liking a post is helpful to gain popularity, you can also share your own posts about the local business you support to raise more awareness and gain even more support.
8. Don’t Forget About Summer Contractors
While we are still under lockdown, you can still continue with any summer outdoor home improvement project, from fixing your roof to doing dome landscaping. Seasonal workers only have a short window to do this work, so book now.
9. Donate
If you don’t shop locally, it is still great to show support. You can simply make a donation by going to a gofundme page.
This virus has tested many Canadians and has been hard on everyone, however with a bit of help, we can all support local businesses until there is an end to social distancing.