Tag Archives: Nursing

The Appreciation Series: Nurses

Similar to my last post, where I highlighted an amazing group of people, as a follow-up to that theme, I’d like to give a shout-out to nurses.

Unfortunately, from time to time I’ve had to be in hospitals with friends and family members and while I have previously complimented certain organizations, in this case, I’d like to show my appreciation for a particular profession.

Whether it’s the emergency room nurses who may find themselves overwhelmed on a Saturday night, nurses who are dealing with people who may have mental health issues or just the common flu, nurses who deal with kids, crying babies, or older folks who are upset, they certainly are a special group of people. Somehow, they manage to balance many different demands, whether it’s people, technology, or understanding medical science—they are, in a manner of speaking, professional jugglers.

In addition to those working in hospitals, there are also some different characteristics (which are no less important) for nurses working in long-term facilities or rehab facilities where the jobs are just as demanding, but require a somewhat different skillset for patients and families.

From my experience, it is clear that there’s more to nursing than just giving out medicine and changing bedpans. In business, I often say that there are people out there who are a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none, but when it comes to nurses, they have to be a jack-of-all-trades and a master of all.

Between high taxes and lots of other public services that require funding, I’m not sure if it’s realistic for nurses to be paid what I believe they’re worth, however, I honestly and truly appreciate their commitment to their profession and the vital work they do.

To all of the nurses out there, thank you, never stop caring, and keep up the great work!


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