Back a couple of years ago, I wrote about Dyson when we had an issue with our office vacuum cleaner. At the time, the vacuum was under warranty and Dyson, without causing us any grief, quickly sent us a replacement part so we were able to get back to cleaning our office. The entire experience was friendly, efficient, and stress-free, and their customer service department was a pleasure to deal with.
Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, when on a Friday we realized that a small piece of the vacuum had broken and cracked, and as a result, we couldn’t use it. One of my colleagues got on the phone, explained the problem, and provided Dyson with our vacuum’s registration number. The employee looked us up in their database and indicated that the vacuum wasn’t under warranty anymore, but told us in the same sentence that they wanted to make sure we were happy and were going to send us a replacement part at no charge.
Since the piece had broken due to heavy use, and not necessarily some sort of mechanical failure, it made the gesture extra special. The fact that they stood behind the product goes to show you what kind of company they are, and what kind of customer service you can expect from them. The piece arrived within a few days and we were back up and running in no time at all, once again using our spiffy Dyson.
Presently, I have three Dyson products: an upright vacuum, a handheld vacuum, and the office Dyson, and I am extremely happy with each product.
Dyson was originally established in the United Kingdom in 1991 and has recently announced that they are moving their headquarters to Singapore. James Dyson, the founder, felt that vacuums could be more efficient, based on the fact that the one he was using constantly clogged up and lost suction over time. As a result, he went about inventing a completely different type of the machine, and if my experience is any indication, he seems to be on to something!
Skip to the present, and Dyson now has a line of not only vacuums, but hand dryers, lights, fans, heaters, and more. I know my wife is dying to get her hands on one of the new Dyson hairdryers, but unfortunately, given how expensive it is, she’s going to have to wait until the price comes down a bit…or I win the lottery…before I can buy it for her.
To their credit, I’ve never heard anyone complain about any Dyson product, and the reliability of their products, combined with their customer support just goes to show you why.
Dyson Canada